In the remarkable year of 1994, a vision grew among five visionary farmers who dared to reimagine dairy. This vision was an Organic Milk Suppliers Co-operative (Omsco as we have been known until now) – an embodiment of their shared belief that farming could be better and kinder.
Fast forward three decades, and the flame that ignited within those ‘founding farmers’ still burns bright. From those humble beginnings, we have grown to encompass a diverse community of farmers from every corner of the country, to now become Organic Herd.
Each one of our herd carries a unique story. Explore below, to learn more about our farms, our cows, and the farmers who make it all happen.
Marian & David
Marian and David have a wildlife and cow safe haven in Sussex. They have 150 Ayrshire and Friesian cows who enjoy grazing the farm outdoors for most of the year, enabling them to have a mainly grass-based diet. No agrochemicals have been used on the land for over 25 years. David understands the importance of caring for the soils – a vital asset to any organic farmer in order to keep the grass growing nutritiously. The cows graze on the traditional pastures of Pevensey Levels, as well as fields sown with deep rooting, nitrogen fixing, and medicinal flora (‘herbal leys’), on the higher ground, and so can pick from the many plant species within the hedges and fields.

Russell Ashford
Russell Ashford, a seasoned farmer with over 50 years of experience, has cultivated a legacy of sustainable and organic farming practices. In partnership with his wife Sandy, the farm is based on marginal land and has been a hub of organic dairy farming since 1997. Their dedication to organic farming with an holistic approach has not only resulted in a successful business but has also led to a thriving ecosystem and improved overall animal health.
In 1997 Russell and Sandy introduced organic practices to the farm and very soon saw notable increase in pollinators and wildlife. Grassland is a key asset for the farm, with a focus on clover and legumes which not only provides the cows with a nutritious and natural feed but also provides a maximum carbon sink and natural habitat for various species.
Graham & Sandra Vallis
We have been privileged as a family to dairy farm on the Duchy of Cornwall Estate at Bradninch since 1959. Prince Charles (or should I say King Charles) has been our landlord throughout. First my father, followed by myself and now we are in the process of handing over the tenancy to my daughters Laura & Emily. The Duchy of Cornwall is really a trust fund for the eldest son of the Monarch. Our farm has been part of the Duchy since it was set up in 1337!
The Prince was always interested in both the tenants and the Duchy and we have been privileged to meet him on several formal occasions such as garden parties at Highgrove & Buckingham Palace and informally on his visits to farms including our own.

Wicton Farm
Wicton Farm run their farm of 85 Holstein/Friesian cows in a way in which they believe “helps heal our planet using regenerative, mindful and sustainable methods.” Every aspect of their farming system is designed with cow wellness and negative environmental impact in mind.
One main aspect of their farming system is their grazing – Wicton Farm are committed to 100% grass-fed cows. Achieving this is a testament to the great land management skills of the team, as relying solely on grass is not an easy thing to do with the UK weather!

We’re building a community that believes in better dairy.
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